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Encryption in Chat Guard


encryption overview

Our application prioritizes user privacy and security by implementing end-to-end encryption. This document outlines the hybrid encryption technique employed, combining both symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods.

Hybrid Encryption Process

Step 1: Symmetric Encryption

1.1 Secret Key Creation:

  • Generate a secret key for symmetric encryption.

    1.2 Message Encryption:

  • Encrypt the user's message using the generated secret key symmetrically.

Step 2: Asymmetric Encryption

2.1 Recipient's Public Key Retrieval:

  • Obtain the public key of the intended recipient.

    2.2 Secret Key Encryption:

  • Encrypt the generated secret key symmetrically with the recipient's public key using asymmetric encryption.

    2.3 Include Encrypted Secret Key:

  • Append the encrypted secret key alongside the symmetrically encrypted message for transmission.

Step 3: Decryption

3.1 Recipient's Private Key Retrieval:

  • The recipient, possessing the corresponding private key, retrieves the encrypted secret key.

    3.2 Secret Key Decryption:

  • Decrypt the encrypted secret key asymmetrically using the recipient's private key, revealing the original secret key.

    3.3 Message Decryption:

  • With the decrypted secret key, the recipient symmetrically decrypts the original message.


By integrating both symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques in a hybrid model, Chat Guard ensures a robust and multi-layered approach to protect user data during transmission. This methodology enhances security by combining the efficiency of symmetric encryption for bulk data with the added layer of protection provided by asymmetric encryption for secure key exchange.

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.